About Us

KMG Research has provided recovery solutions since 1998. Initially focusing on forensic accounting pertaining to shareholder and equity cases, with time our services have expanded to include inter-corporate liaison, archival research and back office support and staffing. By building relationships with professionals in complimentary legal, accounting, and investigative fields we have been able to provide concrete results in otherwise intractable matters.

The best way to think about our services is like a corporate lost and found. Many of us remember as school children when an item was lost the first place to go to check was the school’s “lost and found”. This was usually a box kept in the Headmaster’s office where items lost by the students would be taken when found by others

In ordinary life, when valuable assets, financial and otherwise, are separated from their rightful owners, there is usually no such recourse. Corporate holdings do not come with a lost and found provision. At KMG Research we take on the challenge returning complex holdings to whom they belong.

We create value by locating these estranged assets and fulling the procedures needed to reestablish their ownership. In cases where we find audit trails suggesting a disconnection of property from legitimate title holders we make every effort to notify the rightful owner. Upon doing so we then make these parties aware of the situation and present them with possible solutions

As the population ages an increasing amount of people does not have the practical experience in dealing with professional matters not referenced by computer. There is a generation of people now in their 40s which have never dealt with information that wasn’t accessible digitally or by the internet. Looking through volumes of records is outside the limits of those who grew up with home computers or smart phone technology. We process the abilities that current day financial, legal and corporate services that are presently unable accomplish. Few firms have the patience and expertise in these matters that KMG Research offers.